Apply Start Date : 10-06-2020
Last Date of Apply :30-06-2020
The advertisement issued by the DGCD & CGHG vide No. CG 52/
2013/134 dated: 02-07-2015 for filling up 299 posts of Constable in ASRF Battalions is hereby cancelled as approved by the Govt. vide Memo No. HMB.124/2013/196, dated: 12-06-2019.
However, those candidates who applied in response to the advertisement dated 02-07-2015 and were eligible as per the said advertisement but now have crossed the upper age limit may also apply. The list of such candidates has been uploaded in the website of SLPRB.
The fresh applications are invited from the eligible and intending candidates for filling up of 451 posts of Constable /Guardsman (Grade-III) under Directorate of Civil Defence and Home Guards, Assam in the Pay Scale of Rs. 14000-60500/-, with Grade pay of Rs 5600/-(Pay Band-II).
The date and venue of Physical Standard Test / Physical Efficiency Test and Written Test will be intimated in due course of time by email, SMS and various other means and through SLPRB website (
Only online applications will be received with effect from 10-06-2020.
The last date for receipt of applications will be 30-06-2020.
Thereafter the system will be locked.
Details of vacancies and reservation as per Post Based Roster:-
Total number of posts- 451. (Four hundred and fifty one)
• Though no post is reserved for OBC/MOBC, however, OBC/MOBC candidates may also appear and will be considered for unreserved posts on merit.
• There will be 10% reservation for Economically Weaker Section (EWS). This will be applicable for those candidates who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs.
In order to appear in the Recruitment Tests candidates must satisfy the following criteria:-
a) Nationality- Candidates must be Indian citizens, ordinarily resident of Assam.
b) Age: 18 to 38 years as on 1st January of 2020 (i.e. the candidate must be born on or before 01.01.2002 and on or after 01.01.1982).
Relaxations :Upper age limit will be relaxed for:
(i) 5 (five) years in respect of candidates belonging to SC, ST(P) and ST(H).
(ii) 3 (three) years in respect of candidates belonging to OBC/MOBC.
Note: The date of birth accepted by the SLPRB will be as per matriculation or an equivalent examination certificate issued by a recognized Board. No other document relating to age such as horoscope, affidavit, birth extract from Municipal Corporation, Health Department, service record etc. will be accepted.
3. Minimum Educational qualification:
i) H.S.L.C or Class X passed from a recognized Board or Council. ii) Other Qualification: Home Guards Training Certificate or NCC ‘A’
N.B. The persons having H.S.L.C. passed certificate but not possessing Home Guards Training Certificate or NCC ‘A’ Certificate are not eligible to apply.
i) General:- Candidates must not have knocked knee, flat foot or squint eye, and they should not be colour blind. Varicose vein shall be considered a temporary disqualification. They must be in good mental and bodily health. They must be free from any physical deformities and free from diseases such as diabetes, hernia, piles, respiratory diseases or any other ailment that is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duties.
ii) Eye Sight:- The distant vision should be 6/6 for at least one eye and not poorer than 6/9 for the other without correction. Near vision should be normal i.e.
without wearing of glasses.
Candidates will be required to upload scanned copies of the following documents:
A) Passport Size Photograph :-
Please pay attention to upload good quality photograph. Poor quality of photograph uploaded will lead to rejection of your application. The admit card will be printed with the photograph you uploaded.
i) The photograph must be in colour and must be taken in a professional studio. Photograph taken using a mobile phone and other self composed portraits are not acceptable.
ii) Photograph must be taken in a white or a very light background. iii) The photograph must have been taken after 1stJanuary, 2020.
iv) Face should occupy about 50% of the area in the photograph, and with a full face view looking into the camera directly.
v) The main features of the face must not be covered by hair of the head, any cloth or any shadow. Forehead, both eyes, nose, cheek, lip and chin should be clearly visible.
vi) If you normally wear spectacles, glare on glasses is not acceptable in your photo. Glare can be avoided with a slight downward tilt of the glasses for the photo shoot. vii) You must not wear spectacles with dark or tinted glasses, only clear glasses are permitted.
viii) Ask your photo studio to provide the image in a JPEG format and also on a standard 4.5cm x 3.5cm (45mm x 35mm) print. ix) Maximum pixel resolution for JPEG : 640 x 480 (0.3 Mega Pixel) (Ask your studio to reduce it to this resolution if it is higher.
x) Minimum pixel resolution for JPEG : 320 x 240. xi) The maximum file size is 450 kb (kilo bytes).
xii) For your own benefit it may be prudent not to intentionally change your facial features or hair style from what is seen in the photograph until the day of the exam.
B) Signature :-
i) Please put your signature with a black or dark blue ink on a white paper.
ii) Get the signature digitally photographed / image scanned by a professional photo studio, and get the image cropped by the studio itself. iii) Only JPEG image formats will be accepted. iv) The maximum pixel resolution for the image is 800 x 300.
v) The minimum pixel resolution for the image is 400 x 150.
vi) Dimension of signature image should be 3.5cm (width) x 2.5cm (height). vii) The maximum file size is 100 kb.
viii) Mobile phone photograph of signature is not acceptable, and can result in disqualification of the application. C) Documents:
i) H.S.L.C or Class X examination passed Certificate.
ii) Certificate for proof of age (Admit Card of H.S.L.C. or equivalent Examination).
iii) Certificate of Caste.
iv) NCC ‘A’ Certificate or Home Guard Training Certificate.
However, candidates who have acquired NCC – ‘B’ & ‘C’ certificate may also upload the same.
v) EWS certificate from Competent Authority.
The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an income and asset certificate issued by the Circle Officer or Circle Officer (A) of the revenue Circle where the candidate and/or his family normally resides. The income and asset certificate issued by any one of the following authorities in prescribed format as given in Annexure- I (uploaded in SLPRB website) shall only be accepted as proof of candidate's claim as belonging to EWS.
The candidate will then click on the ‘Complete’ button to indicate that they agree to all the entries made in the form. The candidate can then download the registration / application slip with ID No.
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Apply Start Date : 10-06-2020
Last Date of Apply :30-06-2020
Apply Link: Click Here {Active from 10-06-2020 to 30-06-2020}
💖 I this post i have made a post RECRUITMENT OF 451 POSTS OF CONSTABLE /GUARDSMAN (GRADE-III) UNDER DIRECTORATE OF CIVIL DEFENCE AND HOME GUARDS, ASSAM . I hope you have liked it and Please do share with your friends and follow our blog for more
if you have any questions please feel free to ask in comments section
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