Director of Secondary Education, Assam Recruitment, Apply Online 5746 nos for High and Higher Secondary schools

Director of Secondary Education, Assam Recruitment, Apply Online 5746 nos for High and Higher Secondary schools


Director, Secondary Education, Assam

Last Date:  30th September, 2020

In the overall interest of the intending candidates in the State of Assam, the Director of Secondary Education, Assam on behalf of the Inspector of Schools of the respective Districts (21 nos. of Plain Districts), invites online applications from intending and eligible candidates for the post of Graduate Teachers (Science and Arts) in Provincialised High/ Higher Secondary Schools in Assam in the Graduate Scale of pay of Rs.14,500/- to Rs.60,500/ - and Grade Pay Rs.8,700/- PM and other allowances as admissible as per rule.

Post details shall be available from midnight of 15th September-2020 along with provision of online application. The provision of online application will remain open and accepted till midnight of 30th September, 2020. 

The candidate who submits online application, shall select district, medium of school and category of post through the official website. Kindly visit official website and visit recruitment tab and apply online. Candidates can appear in the interview in multiple Districts provided they are in a position to appear in such interview in view of the fact that the verification process at the District level will be conducted by the District Selection Committee, simultaneously in all the Districts at the same date and time. The district-wise break-up of vacancies are shown below:

Minimum educational and professional qualifications for direct recruitment in the post of Graduate Teacher.

1. For the Graduate Teacher (Arts) Graduate or Post Graduate from recognized University in Arts subject with at least 50% marks in either Graduation or Post Graduation (or its equivalent) and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from National Council for Teacher Education recognized Institution, but degree obtained from off campus and distance education institution shall not be considered as valid. 

2. For the post of Graduate Teacher (Science) the candidate must be Science Graduate or Post Graduate in Science having from recognized University with at least 50% marks in either Graduation or Post Graduation (or its equivalent) and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from National Council for Teacher Education recognized Institution, but degree obtained from off campus and distance education institution shall not be considered as valid 

3. In respect of Secondary TET Candidate must obtain 60% marks in each paper for UR category and 55% marks for OBC/MOBC, SC ST(P) ST(H) and PwD category 

4. No candidate is allowed to apply in the Bengali/Hindi/Assamese medium schools if the candidate does not have MIL in Bengali, Hindi and Assamese respectively in the HSLC examination as the case may be. Only candidate having Bengali, Hindi and Assamese as MIL in HSLC examination is allowed for applying in the schools which are imparting education in Bengali, Hindi and Assamese Medium. However as per Govt. Notification NoASE.313/2013/156 dated 21st January2017. Under Provision of rule 30 of the Assam Secondary Education(Provincialised) Service Rules, 2003, The Governor of Assam is hereby pleased to accept the Diploma Certificate in Assamese Language issued by Axom Sahitya Sabha in case of requirement of Assamese Language either as MIL, or as any elective subject in HSLC or equivalent examination in respect of the candidates who have qualified High School TET.

Criteria for Selection of Graduate Teacher: 

I. 100 marks on percentage of marks in B.A/B.Com/B.Sc examination (in case of Major/Hons, the marks obtained in Major/Hons shall be taken into consideration). 

II. 100 marks on percentage of marks in HS final examination. 

III. 100 marks on percentage of marks in B.T./B.Ed final examination. 

IV. 100 marks on percentage of marks in TET examination or 60 marks for 15 years of experience as an undergraduate/Junior Teacher in a provincialized High/Higher Secondary school having requisite academic and professional qualification. Any experience teacher who has appeared but could not secure the minimum qualifying 60 marks in the TET, shall be awarded at least 60 marks in respect of their experience if he or she has already completed 15 years of teaching experience. Any marks secured by such experienced teacher over and above 60 qualifying marks in TET shall be counted additionally in respect of TET for such teacher. 

V. Explanation: For the purpose of calculation of marks under the categories mentioned in clauses (i)(ii), (iii) and (iv) above it may be clarified that if a candidate secures; for example 60% marks in the particular examination he/she secure 60 marks out of 100 marks allotted in the concerned examination. 

VI. 50 marks @ 25 marks for one year of teaching experience as contractual teacher and another 25 marks for two years, subject to consideration for a minimum period of two years. 

VII. 50 marks teaching experience for the teachers working continuously on fixed pay basis(other than contractual teachers) in a provincialized Higher Secondary School or High School/Madrassa for their service as fixed pay teachers provided they have requisite academic and professional qualification. 

VIII. 10 marks for NCC certificate (10 marks for "C" certificate and 5 marks for "B" certificate) 

IX. 10 marks for participating in recognized sports at national level representing Assam. 

X. 10 marks for achievements in fine Arts and cultural activities representing the State officially at National level.

Documents uploaded as mentioned below should be coloured scanned and clear in PDF format while uploading and applying online and all documents should be self attested. 

1. Passport Size Colour Photograph 

2. HSLC Mark sheet and Admit Card(Age Proof) 

3. HSSLC Mark-sheet and Certificate 

4. Mark sheet and Certificate of Degree (in case of candidates for the post of Graduate Teacher Arts and Science, shall submit all three year Mark sheet. 

5. Post Graduate mark sheet and Certificate in case of less than 50% marks in Graduation. 

6. High School TET mark sheet 

7. B.Ed Mark sheet (1st Year & 2nd Year) and Certificate 

8. Caste Certificate (in case of SC/ ST(P)/ST(H)/OBC/MOBC) 

9. Certificate NCC (Only B or C Category only), Sports & Cultural (if represented state at National Level) 

10. Scanned Signature. 

11. Experience certificate (if any) of 15 years of teaching experience in undergraduate/junior teacher in provincialized high/higher secondary school. 

12. Experience certificate (if any) 1(one) year of teaching experience as contractual teacher. 

13. Experience certificate (if any) 2(two) years of teaching experience as contractual teacher. 

14. Experience certificate (if any) of teaching experience for the teachers working continuously on fixed pay basis(other than contractual teachers) in a provincialized Higher Secondary School or High School/ Madrassa for their service as fixed pay teachers provided they have requisite academic and professional qualification.(As per applicable, if any) 

Please Note: 

a. After successful submission of the online form, candidates shall take a print out of the form and submit the same along-with self-attested copies of mark-sheets and certificates in support of educational qualification, caste, disability, TET, BE.D and co-curricular activities at the time of document verification before the District Level Selection Committee. Candidates must also produce original documents that have been uploaded with the online application to the DSC etc. 

b. After submitting the online application form, the candidates will get a Unique Number against the submitted application and will keep the printout of the unique Number for all future references. 

c. Candidates may note that failing to qualify in Screening/ Verification of documents will result cancellation of their candidature. Online communication in this regard will be entertained. 

d. The office will not be responsible for any lapse in submission of online application due to any technical problem. 

e. The following self-attested coloured copies of certificates and documents to be submitted online 

i. Mark sheet of HSLC. HSSLC and BA/ B. Sc. 

ii. Pass Certificate of HSLC. HSSLC and BA/ B. Sc. 

iii. Pass Certificate of H. S. L. C. / H. S. L. C. Admit Card in support of age. 

iv. Certificate and Mark sheet of High School TET . 

v. Certificate and Mark sheet of B.Ed 

vi. Certificates in support of Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe (Plains or Hills) / OBC / MOBC. 

vii. Candidates with disabilities will have to enclose certificates of disabilities issued by Govt. authority. 

viii. Certificate of NCC (B & C Category only) 

ix. Certificate of recognized Sports at national level representing Assam 

x. Certificate of Achievements in fine arts and cultural activities representing the state officially at national level. 

xi. Certificate of Ex-servicemen issued by the Director, Sainik Welfare Board. 

xii. Certificate of EWS issued by the competent authority. Authorities reserve the rights to cancel the candidature of any candidate as and when any ineligibility condition is detected. If any information declared by the candidate is found to be false at any stage, the candidate will be penalized as per prevailing laws/rules. The decision of the authority as to the eligibility or other wise of a candidate shall be final.

See Notification: 12-09-2020 Assam Tribune News Paper

Visit Official Website: Click Here

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